
Rhobalo ____?
• Nickname: Thunderfists
• Race: unknown
• Class: Monk
• Archetype: Scaled Fist
• Obsession: Hair gel

Buff as hell and lightning-fisted. Obvious training there, and yet not a single scar to show for it… strange, unless and until you observe how in combat his wounds seem to close up and heal almost as soon as they’ve been dealt and then it’s stranger still. I’ve since learned that his name is Rho, but that and his fists are just about all that he’s sure of. Doesn’t seem to have any memory from anytime before the fight.

The only thing I can say for sure about this guy is that he’s a monk. (And that he’s dedicated to Desna. And that he’s super hunky. And that he’s bald. And that I definitely need to find out who his tailor is ’cause OMG that cloak!) Dude can be intimidating as all hell when needs be, but deep down he strikes me (ba-dum, ching!) as really friendly and warm with a great sense of humor. He’s definitely humanish, but no human I’ve ever met can passively heal themselves like this guy can so the jury’s still out on that – and given that it seems he can’t remember anything before the fight other than that he was somehow “summoned from another plane” it’s lookin’ like the jury might very well *stay* out.