An Assemblage of Accounts of the Uncommon Exploits of Four Unlikely Friends

Terciel Silvertongue
• Nickname(s): Omnibard
• Race: Half-Elf
• Class: Bard
• Archetype: Weird Musician
• Obsession: Psych rock

Rhobalo Whatshisface
• Nickname(s): Thunderfists, Shirtless Sherpa
• Race: unknown
• Class: Monk
• Archetype: Scaled Fist
• Obsession: Past lives

Fiona Starflower
• Nickname(s): Twinkletoes
• Race: Pixie
• Class: Ranger
• Archetype: n/a
• Obsession: Badgers

Aether the Waterblessed
• Nickname(s): Waterbaby
• Race: Changeling
• Class: Monk / Kineticist
• Archetype: Monk of the Silver Fist / Kinetic Duelist
• Obsession: Vegemite