History: The Swallowtail Festival

The Swallowtail Festival serves to commemorate a legend in which an avatar of Desna fell to Golarion after a fierce battle with the goddess Lamashtu. She was discovered and nursed back to health by a blind orphan. To express her thanks, Desna transformed the child into a beautiful, immortal swallowtail butterfly so that he could explore the wonders of the …

History: The Sandpoint Cathedral

A fire that destroys a town’s only cathedral mere months after a whole bunch of awful/evil stuff happens? I can’t help but feel like the two could be connected, so I did a bit of research. Here’s what I found: The Sandpoint Cathedral‘s location served as a holy place well before any building was built. A series of seven stones …

History: “The Late Unpleasantness”

I’ve finally finished my research into what the townies here call “the Late Unpleasantness,” and my findings paint a pretty grim picture. (Illuminating, too, if it’s possible to use that term to describe such a macabre series of events.) No one appears to know much about why any of it happened, and it seems no one is in a hurry …