

Terciel’s birth was a scandal – or it would’ve been, had anyone other than his mother, his great uncle, and a select few trusted Elven cohorts known anything of it. His mother had returned in secret from time spent abroad with a child in her belly and a small wooden chest in her arms. Her uncle snuck her into a secret suite of rooms in the ancient Library of Arsmeril, and it was there that Terciel was born and spent almost his entire childhood and early adolescence.

Under the watchful eye of his great uncle (his mother having left when he was still too young to talk), Terciel was educated by the most senior librarians of the Library of Arsmeril and trained in combat (in secret of course, and always under cover of night) by Iriom Selus; the Master-at-Arms of Arsmeril’s Elvish Guard.

On his thirteenth birthday, his great uncle presented him with his sole inheritance: the wooden chest that his mother had brought with her when she’d showed up back in Arsmeril. Appearing simple and rustic at first glance, closer inspection revealed it to be cunningly and masterfully crafted. The seam where the lid met the body was so slight that it was almost invisible. It was locked, and no one had ever been able to open it, but the locks disengaged with a click at the first touch of Terciel’s hand on the lid. In it resting in a form-fitting cradle of custom make, was the bell bandolier.

The bandolier is made of dark brown leather, nicely broken-in, very well-maintained, and padded at the shoulder, with a well-forged brass buckle. Seven leather pouches held seven silver bells with polished mahogany handles. The bells graduated in size from that of a small pill bottle to the size of a small jar. The bandolier itself was lovely, and glowed as only old and well-loved leather can, but it was the bells that first captured Terciel’s attention. He felt that he could hear what their pitches would be without even yet having struck them, and their handles faintly hummed at his touch.

It was only upon lifting the bandolier out of its case that he noticed the subtle ornamental stitching on the inside of the bandolier where the leather would press against the wearer’s chest. It was one word, written in common, and it said “Omnibard”.

Blah blah The bandolier is made of dark brown leather, nicely broken-in, very well-maintained, and padded at the shoulder, with a well-forged brass buckle. Seven leather pouches held seven silver bells with polished mahogany handles. The bells graduated in size from that of a small pill bottle to the size of a small jar. The bandolier itself was lovely, and glowed as only old and well-loved leather can, but it was the bells that first captured Terciel’s attention. He felt that he could hear what their pitches would be without even yet having struck them, and their handles faintly hummed at his touch. It was only upon lifting the bandolier out of its case that he noticed the subtle ornamental stitching on the inside of the bandolier where the leather would press against the wearer’s chest. It was one word, written in common, and it said “Omnibard”. It was one word, written in common, and it said “Omnibard”. It was one word, written in common, and it said “Omnibard”. It was one word, written in common, and it said “Omnibard”. It was one word, written in common, and it said “Omnibard”.


• Level: 3
• XP: 5549/9000

• Race: Half-Elf
• Class: Bard
• Archetype: Weird Musician
• Alignment: Neutral Good
• Base Speed: 30′
• HP: 28

• Size: Medium
• Gender: Male
• Height: 6’2″
• Weight 185
• Age: 32
• Eyes: Piercing
• Hair: Fantastic
• Skin: Flawless

• STR: 13 (+1)
• CON: 13 (+1)
• WIS: 14 (+2)
• DEX: 14 (+2)
• INT: 16 (+3)
• CHA: 18 (+4)

Saving Throws
• Fortitude: +2
• Reflex: +5
• Will: +5

Armor Class
• Normal: 17
• Touch: 13
• Flat-footed: 15

• Base Attack Bonus: +2
• Initiative: +2
• Combat Maneuver Bonus: +5
• Combat Maneuver Defence: 16

• Homeland: Arsmeril
• Diety: Sheyln

• Common: Fluent
• Elven: Fluent
• Goblin: Fluent
• Sylvan: Fluent
• Thassilonian: Fluent
• Varisian: Fluent